A mobile friendly site is must for small-business owners. Responsive design means that no matter how big or small the screen is – the site will fit the screen it appears on and present information in a clear, readable way. Mobile First No matter the screen size, design your site in mind – with mobile […]

A mobile friendly site is must for small-business owners. Responsive design means that no matter how big or small the screen is – the site will fit the screen it appears on and present information in a clear, readable way.

Mobile First

No matter the screen size, design your site in mind – with mobile first. Imagine what your user sees as they use their phone. The design should include all the important elements – on a mobile screen, without hesitation.

Refine your aesthetics

Create a beautiful and well-performing website that clearly showcases services or products. Put value and time into your presentation online.

Create a constant user experience

Eliminate shockingly different web experiences – on the web and on the desktop site. This is something easily adjusted – use templates, or keep the mobile and desktop experience consistent by using a design system.

Make it social

Create some content that is shareable on social media. A lot of businesses miss out on customers that are simply roaming the web. Capture your audience, and make announcements or blog posts sharable.

Use google tools to audit the site

Connect your site to google search console, and select crawlers to index your site, or use a stand-alone mobile friendly tool to run an audit on your site.
Run your website pages through the google tool and analyze the results from the audit. Fix any major mobile issues first – such as text too small to read, view-port not set, clickable elements too close together. These are easy – yet vital fixes that improve not only the google mobile test audit, but the overall mobile usability.

Redesign your pop-ups for your mobile devices

Popups are one of the most effective methods of grabbing a visitor’s attention – if they are used in a correct way. Redesign popups such that: they don’t obstruct most of the screen, they contain important/vital information, they are easy to close.

Take advantage of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

AMP is Google’s method of creating mobile-friendly versions of your site’s pages. Basically, AMP removes all the unnecessary media files and advanced layouts so that the page has super smooth loading, and simple appearance on mobile devices.

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